ZTR Control Systems
Location London, Ont.
Sector Locomotive modernization and remote equipment monitoring services
Market Canada, United States, Europe
Size 170 employees

ZTR rolls with the times

Railways invest huge resources in their capital equipment. That means keeping those assets up to date and, if possible, prolonging their useful life. That’s the speciality of ZTR Control Systems. The company was founded by Sam Hassan, its current president, and several partners more than a quarter century ago, based on their innovative idea to use industrial computers, instead of relays and existing electronics, to perform locomotive controls. Business has been good. The company has almost doubled in size over the past two years,

Hassan notes that ZTR’s products and services, such as its NEXSYS control system, can increase a locomotive’s useful life by an additional 15 to 20 years, as well as increase performance, reliability and efficiency. “In many cases we have been able to increase pull capacity to the point that a client’s trains could operate with two locomotives instead of three,” says Hassan. “That’s a major productivity improvement.”

ZTR’s SmartStart intelligent starting solution, which reduces locomotive fuel emissions when powering up, has also been popular with clients, many of which are increasingly environmentally conscious. Hassan notes that ZTR Controls has also seen significant success with “Internet of Things” applications that it markets, one of which, the ZTR One, enables clients to remotely monitor industrial equipment fleets. The platform provides users the ability to track and update the location, usage and maintenance records of items such as generators, forklifts and electric scissor mounters.

Hassan also attributes ZTR’s ongoing success to its international outlook. That global thinking is evident on the company website, which was designed in nine languages. ZTR also recently established an office in Berlin, which is a major European logistics hub. P.D.

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